E-Rozgaar Soft Loan Scheme Program

The E-Rozgaar Soft Loan Scheme program, a collaborative initiative between the Department of Information Technology and Karakoram Cooperative Bank Limited, has successfully provided loans to various IT companies. This partnership aims to promote entrepreneurship and stimulate innovation within the technology sector. By offering financial support, the program empowers emerging IT enterprises to develop their ideas, expand their operations, and contribute to the growth of the digital economy. The collaboration underscores a commitment to nurturing a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem and advancing technological progress

Google Career Certificates Scholorship Program 2024

Google Career Certificates program program provides a valuable opportunity for both seasoned professionals aiming to enhance their expertise and newcomers to the technology field. Participants will learn in-demand skills from Google experts, equipping them with the essential tools to thrive in today's digital landscape..

High Impact Skill Developement Program

High Impact Skills Training Program in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain.This program, proudly run by the IT Department of the Government of Gilgit-Baltistan in collaboration with NUST, aims to empower the youth with cutting-edge skills and knowledge.

Initiating E-Governance Projects

Government of Gilgit Baltistan and UNDP, in partnership with SoLF, are excited to announce the Gilgit Baltistan Innovation Challenge 2023. If you are a young entrepreneur based in GB and have an idea that can contribute towards climate change mitigation, skill development and raising standards of living in your community.

Establishment of Co-Working Spaces

You might not be aware of this fact, but every frame, digital video, canvas, responsive design, and image often has a rectangular shape that is exceptionally precise in proportion (or ratio). The ratio has to be well-defined to make shapes fit into different and distinct mediums, such as computer, movies, television and camera screens.

E-Rozgar Skill Development for Youth of Gilgit-Baltistan

You might not be aware of this fact, but every frame, digital video, canvas, responsive design, and image often has a rectangular shape that is exceptionally precise in proportion (or ratio). The ratio has to be well-defined to make shapes fit into different and distinct mediums, such as computer, movies, television and camera screens.